I (SNOW LEOPARD) am an endangered species living in the mountains of Karakorum ranges of Pakistan/India/China for centuries. It is my territory, and I have the birthright to its possession. You are welcome to my place and enjoy the magnificent mountains, but my only request is not to destroy my habitat by spreading pollution around. I am confident you would want your grandchildren to see my grand siblings too. Let’s make that relationship transcend generations.
Help Gypsy Traces and Tours to educate tourists around the world to take care of the beautiful places they visit.
With kind regards

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Dear Zahid Hussain: congratulations for the initiation of your tour company, “Gypsy Traces and Tours.: So wonderful, indeed. Keep it up and the day will come you’d prove yourself soon in the feild! Wish you all the best in this fascinating enterprise. The message on behalf of a mother-leopard to the tourists is so amazing , indeed. I hope the tourists, especially, Pakistanis, would fully take care of the natural cum cultural environment of the regions and valleys wherever they go. There is no doubt environmental degradation is on its height for many beautiful valleys in the Northern Pakistan. The vulnerability has come up particularly from the Pakistani tourists. On some, I’ve even made vlogs on my YouTube channel “EaglesWorld,” which the tourists could watch. The videos are in English , Urdu and Wakhi, even Persian. I’ve some related posts in English on my website named as:
Note: Those tourists interested to know about the nature, culture and environment may visit the videos in the following playlist link of EaglesWorld in order to equip themselbes before going to the Northern Pakistan: play
Kind regards,
Fazal Amin Beg