Location: The huge image of a seated Jehanabad Buddha carved into a high rock face of reddish colour that rises on the hill side to the southwest of Jehanabad (Shakhorai) village. It is situated at a distance of 5km to the N-E of Manglawar. This huge image of the Buddha is also visible from the road, on the right side when one is on the way to Malam Jabba Swat.
Description: The Buddha figure is about 7 meters in height and is certainly the most impressive piece of sculpture to be seen in Gandhara region. Unfortunately, it was damaged by miscreants in 2008.
Traces of this excellent figure of the Buddha remain, which is seated on a high throne in the altitude of mediation. The snail shell curls of Buddha are carefully rendered.
His eyes are more than half closed. There is a prominent Ushnisha and long ear lobes. The folds of the robe are stringy, with a planned alteration of high and low ridges. Though the figure exhibits the Gandhara Art style in the drapery with pleats and the hair, the rather solemn, powerful form of the torso and representation of the folds of the robe are in agreement with the usual form adopted in the area for the other figures of the Jehanabad Buddha.
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